Sunday, September 14, 2008

Best Group (Chapter 1)

Describe the best group you've ever been in, and explain why it was such a good group.

I believe the best group that I have ever been in was in high school me and my best friend along with our adviser for DECA had a great group going. We did projects and went to competitions together. I think that this was such a good group because we were all so close and we respected each other and it was always a group decision, no one person decided anything it had to be all 3 of us before we would do it. We had a balloon business and a cake making business that we ran in order to raise the money we needed to go on trips to competitions. We did this for 3 years and each year our group made it all the way to Nationals and placed. We were the only group to ever do this so that has always been a great accomplishment for me. I do not think that we would have been so great and done everything we did if we had not gotten along so well.

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